Our campaigns > With the farmers of Peru against free trade

With the
Peruvian famers
against free trade

Since the liberalization of trade between the EU and Peru, Peruvian farmers have been suffering the disastrous consequences of unfair competition. The massive export of frozen Chips from Belgium and the Netherlands to Peru is preventing local producers from selling their produce at a fair price. This agreement jeopardizes Peruvian small-scale farming and favors European agribusiness, to the detriment of farmers and the environment.


We can see that this free trade agreement, signed by the European Union, once again favors agribusiness to the detriment of small-scale, more sustainable agriculture. We need to ask ourselves what model we want to support. Does it really make sense to send home-grown potatoes in plastic bags, frozen, halfway around the world to a country where potatoes are already grown?

Eloïse De Keyser, advocacy officer at Humundi (ex SOS Faim)

Belgium is the only EU country not to have ratified this agreement, and today we are calling on the Brussels-Capital Region and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation to oppose it, in order to protect Peruvian farmers from poverty and polluting agribusiness.

We are over 2.2 million small farmers and we have seen how these free trade agreements have devastated food security in our country. But more importantly, they have devastated the entire economy of small family farmers.

Climaco Cardenas, President of the CONVEAGRO farmers’ platform (Peru)